MSBA Book Buzz

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How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous by Georgia Bragg February 6, 2012

Filed under: Nonfiction-Informational — msbabookbuzz @ 7:39 pm
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How They Croaked is an informational book of how the deaths of the famous occurred.  To name a few:  King Tut, Julius Caesar (my favorite part), Cleopatra and more.

How They Croaked is definitely gory.  So, if you like gore, blood, deaths and etc. you will  love this book, just like I did, but if you can’t handle all of the above… DON’T READ IT!

I loved this book because it was so detailed and I could picture everything in my mind!!! I also loved how there are some pictures and some of the paragraphs are wicked funny!  The only thing I didn’t like about this books was that it had to end.  🙂

-Madelyn Farley, Grade 5